Whānau voice
© 2024 Mō Kā Uri | A website by Antony & Mates

Mō Kā Uri puts whānau aspirations at the heart of the processes to ensure the ideas and solutions are grounded in our experiences, relevant to our culture and reflect our unique dreams for the future. You can read more about our whānau voice based research approaches here.

"I appreciate the invitation to us all to think about and contribute thinking to our future and the future of generations yet to be born."
quotes from whānau
What is the world you want to leave behind for your mokopuna?
Underpinning the vision are three tiketike. These emerged from our engagement with whānau and what they shared as being important to them:
Tūturu te noho: Places, spaces and kāika
Tūturu te hono: Culture, connection and practice
Tūturu ake nei: Presence, influence and endurance
“As a learner of te reo and a Māmā of babies with Māori as their first language, it is exciting to know our iwi are paving a way forward to empower our moko to stand strong in their Tahutaka. Very exciting!”
"I reckon that a real exciting future for my mokopuna would be if every Tahu was sure about who they are and where they’re from."
“ I am looking forward to our rangatahi, emerging pakeke and leaders taking us through the next 25 years. I am confident in our resilience, strength and vision that will provide a better world for my mokopuna.”